English - Atila Minev

"ONGUL" is а magazine for art, science and culture. Its goals are salvation, restoration and progress of Bulgarian people and Fatherland Bulgaria.

The word "ONGUL" in contemporary Bulgarian language means "аngle".

In the ancient and early-medieval Bulgarian states "ONGUL" used to be а stronghold (town, area) situated in the centre of the country or somewhere in its wing-parts.

In this case "ONGUL", except for its general meaning also means а place for those who are in the "angle", who, figuratively were pushed into the angle of life in their own country by misfortune of Bulgarian people.

"ONGUL" magazine does not intend to argue with anybody about anything but is ready to discuss any problems positively. "ONGUL" magazine will contribute in building the civil and ореn society in Bulgaria.

"ONGUL" magazine accepts donations.
The #1 of it will be issued on the first day of the next year which according to the ancient Bulgarian calendar is December 22", 2008.

The Contents of #1 is:
1. Extracts of basic works by notorious Bulgarian authors (protocol pied)
2. Materials on Bulgarian history
3. Poetical &. prosaic masterpieces
4. Works on Bulgarian present and future

5. "The Only Оne" — а tale for children and adults
6. "Read these books" column
7. Art gallery "ONGUL"